Sunday, September 24, 2017

Daily Goals

To add the Gazebo poses, here's what I've found:
*Major Kidnapping Trial 4 is missing a print_amcl_gazebo_poses.txt file. Booo.
*The angle for Gazebo is a quaternion. Need to write a python script to convert that to radians.
I'm in instant-gratification mode now, though, so I'm going to just see if I can get X,Y plotting for the Gazebo pose to work on Major Kidnapping Trial 5, and then I'll add angle.


Update! Got the Gazebo poses added to the graph. It's enlightening - the blue dot is the robot's ground-truth pose in Gazebo:

Simulation starts at (0,0) and AMCL is started at (0,0), but the particle cloud is pretty big:

Cloud shrinks down as robot moves.  (Pose estimates are off by a quarter of a meter in each direction...)

BOOM! Kidnapped.

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