Tuesday, September 5, 2017

QX and QY Are Okay As 0's

It was bugging me that QX and QY coordinates of the AMCL estimates in the datasets are always 0's, so I started looking into the problem.  The code that records the AMCL poses over time looked fine, so I went back to the rqt tool again to examine the bag files.  As it turns out, the amcl_pose orientation quaternion always has x and y as 0:

Short answer:  DUH. It's orientation, so it's related to roll, pitch, yaw.

How I Figured It Out Before I Looked It Up on The Google:

rqt print-out at Time = 74 seconds:

rqt print-out at Time = 105 seconds.  x and y are still 0.

Since it's like this every time, it's not important.

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