I'm back to collecting data, now that I've got the AMCL particle cloud weights printed out.
See my ROS Answers forum question: https://answers.ros.org/question/275574/amcl-particle-weights-are-always-equal-why/
In the past, I had a couple different driving methods and they each had their own problems:
1. turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop - driving the robot around the room on roughly the same route with keyboard controls.
Problem: Time-consuming, and didn't follow the exact route each time.
2. Wrote a Python script to drive the robot around a series of locations in the Gazebo world
Problem: Changing direction relied rotating the robot in place (sometimes a full circle or two). AMCL really didn't like this.
3. Using the ROS Navigation path planner to specify a route
Problem: I must have been using a different path planner than the one that RViz uses (which is GREAT), because this one had a lot of rotation in it, too.
This time around, I decided to record a BAG file of the output from the turtlebot_teleop keyboard_teleop node, on the /cmd_vel_mux/input/teleop topic. This topic has the translational and rotational changes specified by the keyboard commands, so I drove around the room once and recorded these messages so that I could replay them for every simulation.
The difficulty this week was getting a solid driving route - apparently, there's a lot of variation in what the robot actually executes compared to what you told it to do. I'd record a clean driving route, and when I replayed it, the robot would over- or under-shoot the specified motion at some timestep along the way, and start bumping into the furniture in the simulation. I finally learned to steer WAY clear of the furniture and was able to record a replayable route.
I had been aiming for a 5-minute route, but due to the difficulty in getting a driving route in place, I ended up sticking to a 2:20 driving sample. As long as I schedule kidnapping events within the first 45 seconds, I think it will still give us enough information about AMCL's long-term post-kidnapping behavior.
Anyway, here are the scripts I've been using to record trials:
bash start_gazebo.sh
bash start_amcl.sh
bash start_recording_messages.sh
bash start_recording_amcl_gazebo.sh
bash start_driving_robot.sh
I LOVE that I adopted bash scripts, instead of having to remember what to type in each time - would highly recommend this step, as it's saved me a lot of time and prevented frustration. I also made them foolproof by saving the data files within the script, and putting a usage error message when I don't supply a filename. It's been working great.
Here are the specifics of each:
bash start_gazebo.sh
roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch world_file:=/opt/ros/indigo/share/turtlebot_gazebo/worlds/playground.world
bash start_amcl.sh
source /home/ebrenna8/amcl_overlay/devel/setup.bash;
roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo amcl_demo.launch map_file:=/opt/ros/indigo/share/turtlebot_gazebo/maps/playground.yaml
bash start_recording_messages.sh - this one takes a file name
rosbag record -O $1 /cluster_count /delta_pose /filter_covariance /max_weight_hyp /numsamples /particlecloud /test_pub /amcl_pose /cloud_weight /particlecloudPreResample /odom /cmd_vel_mux/input/teleop
bash start_driving_robot.sh
rosbag play /home/ebrenna8/Turtlebot_World_Driving.bag
bash start_recording_amcl_gazebo.sh - this one takes a file name
python ./print_amcl_gazebo_poses.py > $1
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