It took an hour, but now I've got the robot's pose published as a ROS topic.
NOTE! The published pose messages from this new way match the Gazebo print statements of the get_model_state call on the mobile_base in the world frame to 0.01 meters.
Here's how I did it:
Recommends something like this should be added to the URDF (robot specification)
<plugin name="p3d_base_controller" filename="">
<rpyOffsets>0 0 0</rpyOffsets> <xyzOffsets>0 0 0</xyzOffsets> <frameName>world</frameName> <gaussianNoise>0.01</gaussianNoise> <topicName>gazebo_robot_pose</topicName> <bodyName>base_link</bodyName> <updateRate>50.0</updateRate> <alwaysOn>true</alwaysOn>
The difficult part was finding which file to use. Here's what I did:
1. I went to the turtlebot_gazebo package and looked at the turtlebot_world.launch file to figure out where the turtlebot URDF files are.
2. Turns out, there's a turtlebot_description package with relevant files. I opened turtlebot_description\urdf and found a file called turtlebot_gazebo.urdf.xacro
3. I added a new <gazebo> tag and put the plugin section within the new <gazebo> section.
**Originally, I used "mobile_base" for the <bodyName>, but I got an error that mobile_base wasn't a valid bodyName value. I switched back to using base_link, and the results are working fine.
This was a helpful example of where to put the plugin code - note that the plugin is within its own <gazebo> tag in the xacro:
The source of that .so file is described here:
##what is You can find source code from gazebo_ros_pkgs repository.
Go to
Compute relative position of [bodyName] frame with respect to [frameName] frame.
And publish it as [topicName] with [updateRate].
It seems that it does not have physical control of the model.
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