Sunday, November 19, 2017

Mistakes Were Made, and Corrections Were, Too.

I did some extra work yesterday to get the robot's Gazebo poses publishing as a ROS message, and I'm glad I did.  I hadn't been sure it would be a good use of time, since I already have a script that prints the poses to a text file, but at the time, I did it just to make things ship-shape.  It led to an important discovery, though:

In all of my simulations, I've had the starting AMCL pose adjusted for the wrong map.  Yikes!  I suspect this was going on in the previous round of simulations, too. 

I've corrected this by forcing the AMCL pose to (0,0) through a command line parameter added to my Bash script (another reason I'm loving the Bash scripts for starting ROS nodes).  Another addition to the start_driving_robot Bash script is a couple commands that execute after the playback of the driving route is finished:

rosnode kill -a           
Purpose :Kills everything - specifically, the rosrecord node, so that I can walk away from the simulation after I start it up, and I won't get data from the robot sitting still at the end.

killall -9 gzserver
Purpose: rosnode kill apparently wasn't shutting down Gazebo nicely, and when I would immediately start a new instance of Gazebo, it would fail because there was already a gzserver process running.  This step seems to help prevent this.

Really feeling the benefits of my improvements to the research infrastructure.

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