Monday, October 16, 2017

Small Victories

It looks like there's a problem with the cloud_weight_msg ROS message that I made a while back in order to publish the particle cloud's particle weights.  Even though the file declares the message type as float64[], the
rosmsg show cloud_weight_msg  prints out the message type as int32[].  Not sure what the deal is.

Fortunately, I had an existing message of type float32[], so I'm using that one for the cloud_weights message declaration.  The only difference is that my cloud weights are stored as doubles, and this float32[] will require them to be converted to floats.  I don't think it will cause a problem, so I should be good to go.

Work Plan:
- Put code in for publishing particle cloud weights tonight.
- Tomorrow: collect a bunch of data, over 5-minute trials and kidnapping events at different timesteps.

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