Sunday, August 27, 2017

Particle Cloud Pics

In order to get a better idea of whether the mean and standard deviation actually change based on a kidnapping event, I did what I should have done a while ago - I plotted the particle cloud poses for each timestep.  I excluded angle from the plots - mostly because plotting points in Matlab is something I know how to do right away, and plotting directional arrows would take some figuring out.

Here are some excerpts from the Major Kidnapping Event dataset, in which I drove (by hand) around the same route for 80 seconds, and at Timestep 70, forced the robot back to (0,0) in a Major Kidnapping Event.

Plots of Pose Estimates of AMCL's Particle Cloud:
Note: I should have included bearing and - more important - the weight assigned to each particle.

Time = 68 sec:
Time = 69 sec:
Time = 70 sec:
(No significant change. Takes a couple seconds for the cloud to be aware of the problem)
Time = 71 sec:
Time = 72 sec:
Time = 73 sec:

Time = 74 sec:

So, there's a clear dispersal of the poses at T=73 sec. 

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